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The Recovery Institute is a member driven, peer run and peer delivered organization. The Board of Directors is made up of members that have been nominated and elected by other members of the Recovery Institute.

Board Members are elected to three year terms and may serve two consecutive terms. They must then take a year�s leave of absence before seeking re-election. Board Officers are elected and voted into one year terms at the September Meeting of the Full Board.

Our annual election for Board members is held in September. If you are a Member of the Recovery Institute, don't forget to vote! If you are not a member and are interested in becoming a member please contact the Recovery Institute.

2014/2015 Board Officials
Brian Maxa - President
Jennifer Leigh - Vice President
Lori MacGregor - Secretary
Carol Heintz - Treasurer
Anna Perkins
Diane Shorter
Lisa Bloomberg
Anna Rasmussen
Enrique Sanchez
Brian Hamilton
Abraham Uppal
Kavin Russell - President Emeritus